Be Still

Try a New Prayer Practice Be still. You don’t necessarily need words to pray. In Psalm 46 God tells his people who were busy trying to please him, “That’s enough! Now know that I am God!” (Psalm 46:10 CEB). Sometimes we need to stop performing for God and simply “be still.” This can be hard at first because it is so unfamiliar. Set a timer for 3-5 minutes, or find some relaxing music or sound effects that will mark the time. Then be quiet and rest in the presence of God.

Praying Scripture

Try a New Prayer Practice Praying the scriptures has a long tradition among the faithful. Prayerfully read a passage by stopping every line or so, and praying what comes to mind. This can stretch us to bring before God petitions we might not think of on our own. Praying the Psalms, for example, calls us to address every emotion. Praying Mary’s Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55) will lead us in prayer for the poor and oppressed. Many scriptures such as Jesus’ healings and parables, Paul’s letters, and others, may deeply speak to our needs, help us to praise, or remind us of…

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2023 Confirmands & Confirmation Sunday

Rich Bartow has led confirmation classes for years, he says that confirmation is his least favorite Sunday of the year because it means this years confirmation class is over. This year, our confirmands met each week for months, they helped lead our Youth-Led Sunrise Easter Morning Worship Service and challenged the congregation to a confirmation trivia match. We are so proud of these confirmands and our entire Revive Youth Group, they are the heart of St. Paul’s.

Safe Gatherings

Safe Gatherings is a third-party abuse prevention system the Missouri Conferences uses for clergy and lay volunteers working with children, youth, and vulnerable adults. Safe Gatherings protects children, the church, and volunteers, keeping St. Paul’s a safe and secure place for everyone who walks through our doors. If you serve on the following teams, you should be safe gatherings certified:  Take the next step in protecting vulnerable people both in your church and community by getting certified. 

Pray for Missouri Annual Conference

Please pray for our Lay Leaders and Pastors as they attend Missouri Annual United Methodist Conference. June 9th – 11th Each year clergy and lay members attend the Missouri conference’s annual conference session for worship, fellowship, and to conduct the business of the conference. These sessions include reports of past and ongoing work; adoption of future goals, programs, and budgets; ordination of clergy members as deacons and elders.

Register Now for Vacation Bible School!

At Hero Hotline VBS, your children will enjoy an interactive, energizing, Bible-based good time as they are called together to serve God. They will become Heroes and discover that answering God’s call together means striving for the things that bring peace and the things that build each other up! After a high-energy Opening Assembly time, the Heroes make their way to the Bible Story Station. Interactive Bible lessons reveal Hotline Tips to equip your Heroes for an active life with God. Your Heroes will also discover our Hotline Verse (Bible memory verse), which will remain with them in their faith long after VBS.

The students will expand on what they’ve discovered by making their own art projects at the Craft Station, playing games at the Recreation Station, and enjoying tasty treats at the Snack Station. Along the way, the Heroes will hear about our mission project as their response to a call for action! We are collecting school supply items for Stuff the Bus.

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